VIP-Chauffeur-Service - call 0049 2631 948322

With limousine or van to your next business meeting

You can rent our cars also with Chauffeur. Arrangements are possibly on an hourly (at least two hours) or daily basis as well as longer period of time.

Our service will meet your requirements driving long distances. Driving with our VIP-Chauffeur-Service will enable you to join your business meeting relaxed, restful and without stress. This means: excellent time management.

We believe: This will be of benefit to you and your business partners.

Van with Chauffeur for your personal use

Our van is air-conditioned; phone, station for mobile phone, notebook and pull-out table available.

Interior front

Interior backseat

From North to South - from East to West!
From this location also benefits our airport transfers to the airports Cologne-Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Hahn.

We have long lasting experience in passenger transportation (more than 30 years). We are well located between the freeways A3, A48 and A61. 

We will be available to meet your requirements all over Germany.

Please contact us - you will receive our free offer within short time.